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Day Training

Day training can help ease the pressure of training. If you find the training process overwhelming, have too busy of a schedule or you simply appreciate the convenience of leaving the heavy lifting to a professional, this is the option for you! Drop your dog off for their individualized training and simply attend a transfer session with your dog to see their newly acquired skills and to learn how to maintain their new behaviours at home.

How does it work?

You drop your dog off at our training facility for 4 hours.

Our day training package is 100% customizable to your goals and needs. This includes an initial consult, which will be followed by go home session, after completion. After each session, you will receive a summary and customized games. Throughout the process, clients are more than welcome to contact us, as we provide unlimited email support. Once the behaviour is trained, we transfer our knowledge and skills over to you in a transfer session so that you can maintain the behaviour.

Puppy Play
Image by Andrew Schultz
Puppy Day Training

Puppies from the age of 8 weeks to up to 20 weeks are in a critical learning period and their experiences during this time will determine much of their adult behaviour.

Give your puppies the best start they can have by enrolling in our puppy programs that are designed to give puppies all of the training, socializing, and life skills they will need to become great canine citizens. Play, positive reinforcement, and time outs (quiet time) create a trusting eager puppy companion that wants to learn and grow.



5 Day Package   $700 +taxes

10 Day Package  $1,400 +taxes


Adult Day Training

Whether you want to brush up on old cues or teach new ones, day trains are a great option to get your dog out of the house engage them in a new and fun environment. Dogs love to learn and day training provide great mental stimulation.



5 Day Package   $700 +taxes

10 Day Package  $1,400 +taxes

Black Dog
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